when passions, tears, enthusiasm, wittinism, happiness, laughs, ideas, and inspirations meets together

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Everything i do, i cry. Wherever i am, when i feel you, i cry. I cant believe why does this is happen to me, to us. I always pray, God give us more and more strength to face the world together, so we would grow up stronger as a heart. I love you.. And i dont know why i could love you on this way.. Why did u have to go? Why cant we trough this together?

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Dad is my best place to share, thank God i have him as my dad, he's the lantern whom lighten my blank mind on the dark road :')

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
ga ada yang terlambat selama ada keinginan yang besar untuk jadi yang lebih baik lagi :')
why r u leaving while i'm hoping? i need you... nothing compare this pain. i chose you. i dont think i can let you go. i dont think you chose this way. i'm broke, broken...

Monday, February 14, 2011

F-O-R S-A-L-E! :D

Ayooo! dibeli! dibeli! dibeli!


Bagi yang punya kamera tapi belum punya tas ranselnya, AYO BELI!
Tas ransel kamera + laptop 14" merk eibag.
ukuran panjang : 30 cm
ukuran lebar : 17cm
ukuran tinggi : 41,5cm
kondisi masih jempolan! ( baru 1x dipake)
Harga Rp.350.000
Alesan mau gue jual :
1. Ukuran tas gak sebanding sm badan dan daya angkut tubuh gue(maklum, dibeliin kakak hehe)
2. kapasitas tas gak sebanding sama kamera gue yang baru punya satu lensa
3. kayaknya gue bakal membutuhkan tas ini dalam waktu yang lama banget jadi gue putuskan buat dijual, sayang kan kalo didiemin aja menuh-menuhin tempat xP

tutup bag. dalam
bag. dalam (sekat bisa dibongkar pasang)